J-SAR Products
// IFAD:

J-SAR Operations (OPS) Room




The OPS room includes systems for Operations, Instruction and Debriefing/Replay activities



Activities in the OPS room include:


  • receiving and investigating distress alerts from different sources,
  • applying SOPs
  • preparing Search Action Plans
  • distribute Search Action Plans to SRU personnel
  • plotting and executing search patterns
  • coordinate and monitor operations
  • interact with naval and aeronautical On Scene Coordinators



Operations room

The J-SAR JRCC operations room is a combined operations and instructor area including planning stations, communication and Intercom stations, and a monitor wall.


Instructor stations

are used for simulation (exercise) preparation, execution, control and monitoring as well as debriefing. Facilities for monitoring all ongoing radio communication is included. VHF-DSC is also a part of the instructor station.


Additional instructor stations can be added according to user requirements. Multiple instructors can interact with the system in the same or individual exercises at the same time. 


Planning stations

are used for planning, monitoring and execution of SAR/ACO operations. The planning station can also be used as an additional Instructor station.


SMC, Marine, Aero and Comms stations

are used for naval or aeronautical operation. They present Marine or Aero situational awareness overview.




OPS room configuration, example



Desktop Instructor and/or Planning station