// IFAD:

NATO Science and Technology Organization - Scientific Achievement Award 2016 presented to IFAD employees for the outstanding work and significant contribution in the NATO MSG-106 project.


NATO Science and Technology Organization, Scientific Achievement Award 2016


"In recognition of the outstanding work and significant contribution, we hereby present the 2016 Science and Technology Scientific Achievement Award."


At a ceremony at IFAD December 14th 2016 the NATO Scientific Achievement Award was presented to IFAD employee Jeppe Nylokke by Mr. Steen Søndergaard and Mr. Niels Krarup Hansen, Danish Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO). An IFAD team led by Jeppe Nylokke took part in the NATO project MSG-106 on Enhanced CAX Architecture, Design and Methodology - SPHINX.


"The increased requirement to train at the Muli-national and Joint level, often simultaneously exercising at the Operational and Tactical level, is extremely complex to address. MSG-106 brought together a group of more than one hundred scientists from twenty nations, and seven NATO bodies to deliver three proposals of NATO standardization documents, focused not only on technical matters, but also on organization and operational issues."





IFAD employees Brian Horn and Jeppe Nylokke receives the NATO award on December 14th 2016.